
Paleolithic People

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 4 months ago

Paleolithic tools

Tools were a way to kill animals and survive. Some of the tools that they used were the sharp ends of sticks to dig up roots and bugs. they chipped rocks to sharpen the ends for cutting into bone or slicing skin. the earliest well-shaped tool for humans was the fist-hatchet. One end of the fist hatchet was for cutting meat, cutting down trees, and chopping plants and vegtables. The other end of the fist-hatchet was for holding onto. The fist-htachet was the first all-purpose tool.

For two million years ancient people lived by hunting animals with their tools. The wooden tools have decayed but many archaeologists have found many different stone tools.

Paleolithic people also used flint. all together there was over eight thousand pieces of flint, including small microlith blades and bigger tols that the humans used for hunting and fishing. Ususally the tools were made out of flint. In places like Asia where they do not have much flint, they make some tools out of quartz instead.

Some of the earliest tools to use were things like axes to break things and cut things down. Then men used wooden bows, spears, and harpoons for hutning. Some tools that they used for cutting grain. The pots were used for storing food. Chisles scrapers needles and beads were also very handy to the Paleolithic people. The men developed spears it allowed them to kill animals from a great distance, which made things a lot safer.


Paleolithic Hunting and Gathering

Hunting was a great deal of work for the men. It would mean that they had to get close to wild animals which would be dangerous. They hunted small animals and they made pitfalls for bigger animals like elaphants. Pitfalls are a big hole in the ground that they dig that are covered by leaves, dirt and branches. When an animals walks over top of it the covering will crash and the animal will fall into the pitfall.

Gathering was another way Paleolithic people got food. They would follow carefully behind animals to find meat and eat the stuff animals left behind.

There were small bands of about twenty that would help each other, share their food and even care for them when they are sick. They each had their own job, when looking for food. The paleolithic people would continuely be on the move, because there was not always enough food for the people to eat. They usually got to pick from about sixty kilometres, and when times were hard, they were able to pick from up to eighty kilometres, that was called their home territoy.

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