
Famous Romans

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on May 4, 2006 at 1:41:01 pm

Gaius Marius


Gaius Marius is the man that organized the army into the most effective fighting machine in the world.




Julius is no doubt the most famous Roman of them all!




Augustus was the nephew of the famous Caesar. He became the new king after Caesar by winning a civil war. His other name is Octavian. He then took the name of Augustus Caesar after his uncle so that he would be known as very powerful. He started a period called "Pax Romana" or Peace of Rome. During this period of time Rome was the most powerful and richest empire in the world.


Remus and Romulus


Remus and Romulus were the twin sons of the god Mars and a Latin Princess. They were born around 800 B.C. Romulus and Remus together decided to build a city on Tiber River. Romulus made the cities boundries using a plow, but after the new city was made they could not decide who should be the ru

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