
Famous Romans

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Famous Romans


Gaius Marius

Gauis Marius was the man who made the most efficient fighting groups. He was Julius Caesar's uncle by marriage. He was the "third founder of Rome". He was born in 157 BC in an Italian country side town called Arpinum, in southern Latium. In 110 BC, Marius was able to arrange for a brilliant marriage with Julia, sister of the future Caesar's father, Gaius, and thus his future aunt.




Julius Caesar is no doubt the most famous Roman of them all! He became the Dictator of Rome in 46 B.C. The reason he became the Dictator of Rome was because he had won an election against Pompey. Pompey had died so therefore, Caesar was appointed governer of a Romen Province. He lead many campaigns. In 58 BC he lead The Helvetic Campaign. In 57 BC he lead The Belgic Campaign. In 56 BC he lead The Venetic Campaign. In 55 BC he lead the German Campaign. Last but not least in 54 BC he lead the British Campaign. The sixty conspirators, led by Marcus Brutus, Gaius Longinus, Decimus Albinus, and Gaius Trebonius, came to the meeting. The came with daggers concealed in their togas. They struck Caesar at least 23 times as he stood at the base of Pompey's statue. That's how he died. It's because people thought he was getting to powerful and strong. Afterwards people started a huge riot and killed a couple of the people. That was for killing Caesar.





Gaius Octavius was Caesar's great nephew. Caesar adopted Gaius Octavius also known as Augustus or Octavain. After Caesar's assasination Octavain raised an army. Octavain and his rival Antony decided to split the land. Octavain the Western half and Antony the East half. While Antony was distracted by warfare Octavain underminded Antony in Rome. Octavain defeated Antony and became the sole ruler of Rome.


Remus and Romulus


Remus and Romulus were the twin sons of the god Mars and a Latin Princess. They were born around 800 B.C. Romulus and Remus together decided to build a city on Tiber River. Romulus made the cities boundries using a plow, but after the new city was made they could not decide who should be the ruler of their new society. They decided to let the gods decide, so they each went ontop of two different hills, and waited for a sign from the gods to see who should be the ruler. 12 vultures flew over the Palatine hill, and since Romulus was the one standing on that hill, he was the King. Romulus and Remus then fought, and Remus died. Romulus decided to name his new society Rome.

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