
Famous Lords and Nobles

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on December 18, 2006 at 7:33:53 pm

Lords and Nobles


Famous Lords and Nobles


Some famous lords of the middle ages were King Richard the second, King Edward the first, King Louis the seventh of France and King Philip of Spain. The Kings of the middle ages did not rules vary long because some were murdered, got sick and died of being sick because the did not have vary good medicine back then. Mostly all kings back then had at least more then one wife, because for some reason the kings’ wives died . Many of the kings children were famous people such as king Edward also know as Long shanks, one of his kids was Joan of acre.




Where Did Kings Live


All kings lived in castles. In a castle a king could feel safe and strong because this was there home. It took a long time for people to build a castle. A king owned a thing called a manor, a manor was a large piece of land that could be used for farming. A lord could give a knight a manor if they proved themselves. Peasants and surfs worked in the manor and that is how some paid there king, with there crops.





Who Served The King


The King was a powerful role in the middle ages they ruled over there land and there people. Knights were nobles who trained at the age of seven until they were fifteen and proved themselves then they were knighted by the king. Peasants and surfs severed the king and they mostly worked in fields and grew crops for King.



Usaly to become a king you had to be born in a certen family. Also you would have to be a child of the king to become one and you had to be blood related.

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